Brand Fox's Network Television Client Services
Our expert client services for network TV will take your company to the next level in sales volume. This is a non-traditional business model yet a highly successful one. We will provide your staff with step-by-step instructions on how to have your products presented to network producers.
Our network client is interested in significantly increasing overall sales through a volume segment (flash) sale.
Our optimal network client will offer:
The benefit to your company or brand:
Our network client is interested in significantly increasing overall sales through a volume segment (flash) sale.
Our optimal network client will offer:
- 4,000 - 8,000 units to sell as a feature item
- An agreed discount to the loyal network viewership
- A verified corporation with a "branded" product
- A consumer product with high quality and mass appeal
- Impeccable customer satisfaction
The benefit to your company or brand:
- National exposure
- Volume sales event yielding large profits
- Payments received immediately
- Lower inventory
- New consumer list
- Use of multiple brands in multiple sectors and the ability to expand your corporate annual revenues
Additional Client Services
- Brand development experts in "internet retail sales negotiations".
- Expand your client list to include the exponentially growing sector of internet sales.
- Professionally manage and streamline all phases of proposals to the client.
- Microsoft Excel Experts - we can train your staff and/or customize templates to create irresistible offers to new and existing clients. Key tool to increasing sales and profitability.
- Flash Sale Experts - we provide professional advice in all phases of planning to ultimately expand your sector's online market share - seasonally and annually.
- Improve business processes by using statistical analysts thus creating an "efficient and lean" corporate environment.
- Evaluate specific roles that team members play with overall focus on efficiency.
- Achieve lean business practices which save money and increase customer satisfaction.
- Reduce waste in products/operations/employee time which provides cost savings.
- Follow the Six Sigma certification module (certificate program) for efficiency in all processes.